on Easy Mode

Pay suppliers and even employees, quickly and securely!
Woman smiling with "Sent money" notification over her laptop


Major Philippine bank accounts
Major e-Wallets
Or let your receiver choose where to get paid!

Transfer Money in 3 EASY STEPS!

Cursor pointing to Disbursements navigation item
Start a Disbursement

Under Send Money, click Disbursements.

Cursor pointing to New Quick Transfer option under New Disbursement
Do a Quick Transfer

Under New disbursement, click New quick transfer and choose the type of transfer.

Quick Transfer creation screen showing disbursement name of "Money Transfer" that is scheduled for sending on August 31, 2023
Send your payment!

Fill out the necessary information and recipient’s details, then authorize the transfer.

Graph showing NextPay being connected to multiple local banks and e-Wallets: Maya, BPI, Metrobank, GCash, Security Bank, BDO, UnionBank, Chinabank

Pay your suppliers in one go!

Send payments to 70+ local banks and major e-Wallets
Schedule your transfers ahead of time
Store supplier information in a handy directory
Woman sending a disbursement to Employee A's GCash account, Employee B's Unionbank Account, and 20 others, followed by a "Send Batch" button
BATCH Payouts

Make bulk payments with ease!

Send payments in batches to multiple suppliers, employees and customers
Send it now or later with easy payment scheduling
Batch import your supplier, employee and customer lists for easy one-click management
Send salaries screen showing different employees with different salaries and preferred banks

Make payroll easy

Schedule and pay employees directly to their bank accounts and e-Wallets
Import multiple recipients for easy recurring payments
Generate handy payslips for reference

Added features to do business on Easy Mode

Increased security

Built-in authorization flow for payment approvals, plus notifications via email and SMS.

Save details and save time

Don’t waste time typing out long recipient info. Securely store them in one place for hassle-free transactions and notifications.

Plan and schedule ahead

Schedule or send money instantly! Whether employees or suppliers, pay to major banks and e-Wallets any time!

Send money in minutes, not hours!

Using NextPay has been helpful to us
...when it comes to disbursing to personnel, suppliers, and even when purchasing stuff that would normally exceed our limit when done through bank transfers.

I also like their quick turnaround time and low fees!
Leah Rasay
Leah Rasay
Smiling woman on her laptop

Put your payouts on AUTO PILOT
in 30 minutes or less!